What they’re doing is wrong! Your life is in danger!

After the initial shock of the pandemic and the studies I did, I soon realized that this is not what they say it is! One year plus I inform you that they have conquered the protocols … and this is and has been the way to make all the doctors of the world complicit in the greatest crime in our history!
Covid patient … that’s what we’ve been told … that’s what they’ve been planning for years … is NOT respiratory but VASCULAR … which means that the invasive treatment protocol is wrong !!!! … I use the word wrong so as not to shock our fellow light minded people … who apparently have become the best clients of Haros (DEATH) and the death list in this genocide !
If your disease is vascular … if we have it all in us … and it doesn’t create all the things that people have been made to think it does … then the protocols are a deadly process … a pathway to death for anyone who ends up in their hands because of the fear they have created!
How can all this be connected? Apart from the universities who have clearly said it’s not a respiratory disease but a vascular one … we have doctors all over the world who have succeeded in not losing a single patient … because they just didn’t follow the protocol … they didn’t get intubation!
If you are in the vein and you are looking at the lung …. you are in the wrong room, with the wrong patient and you are no longer a doctor but …an obedient slave in a genocidal service!!!.The most outrageous thing is that you have not managed to recognize all this until today …and you call yourself a doctor!!!….
Covid did not come so that humanity would be forced to get vaccines to save us… Covid came to enforce the vaccines that will genocide us… !!!!>…
Right now I’m investigating how they managed to influence the critical thinking of the masses, today a friend of mine died… he took the second dose, a smart man, a man of the market and he was screwed… How did they manage to stop his critical thinking?
How did our fellow man lose his mind? All the information is there, all the statistics are there, thousands of doctors and universities are now speaking out and showing the reality … so what’s happening where everyone is running around making the death bowl is a great mystery!
Vascular disease … the doctors who treat never use diversion … vascular disease … those who die of stroke die of stroke! !… I don’t understand how they made your brain mush … STOP BEING ON THE LIST OF FUTURE LIVERS NOW !…
In our society there are the set-up parrots, there are the scaremongers with their mouths ..they carry scare information to make you become victims …. Vangelis is in intensive care, Kostas is in intensive care …yes, but from what? …from Covid they say ..but they are dying from protocols and not from Covid!!!!
Wake up and think about all those who are spreading the terror in the media … in the newspapers, in the social media and in your own neighbourhood … are you sure they are HUMANS?