Not all metals are the same

It is known to be said and heard, but I want to analyze it!
Not all capable people are capable of doing everything, e.g. an F1 driver cannot sail an ocean liner as a ship captain cannot drive a jet… so you have to find a way, despite the fact that around us there are enough capable people of giving each metal its position!
Both the above cases have to do with people with knowledge and talents… rare talents… but giving the wrong position to people with rare talents is only going to lead to failure! Not all metals can withstand the same pressures, no matter how rare they are!
You can take a piece of gold and put it somewhere in order to stop an x-force and despite the fact that it is gold, it may melt. But not the same thing will happen, if you use steel instead. Simple!
You might think; this is self-evident, man?
I’ll tell you that I’m making a statement for the future where my morality dictates me to inform you as much as I can about things need to be in your consciousness…
So when you have tools, metal tools, what makes you skilful, what makes you a fantastic craftsman is to find the right metal for each tool!
But I will restate this; the equations don’t exist based on your metal and tools, they exist on their own and they can be so complex that you have to go into metal alchemy to find the right ones to use them where you need them…!
So now you’re becoming both a good craftsman and a good alchemist … in a way you will choose wisely where each one fits, by its properties, physical and chemical, by its resistance to temperature, by its hardness, so that you can make the puzzle bend in front of you!
But there are times when the pressures of a conflict, a war or a phenomenon that for centuries were fighting one against the other, that even your new alchemical tools are not enough… not even by transforming the periodic table of elements is not enough to win! What do you do then? Do you give up? Do you declare defeat and you quit fighting?
In the war, we have many kinds of strategies, there are ambushes, bluffing, propaganda, the enemy’s misperception of you, surprise attack and many more that can cover your small shortfall in tools, weapons and metals!
So now you are both a craftsman and an alchemist, but also necessarily a liar, a hypocrite… One who can adopt new necessary roles to bring victory!
Will you lie only to the enemy? Not necessarily, especially if you don’t know exactly who the enemy is and who may have contaminated your environment.
Maybe if you want to reach their strength limits in order to stop a wave of attack, even if you want them to have only one of their properties, but not the wrong one… That ‘s all for a unique purpose; bringing victory.
So since we have learned that eggs cannot remain unbreakable while dancing with stones and at the same time you may be a craftsman, an alchemist and a liar … so that if necessary and absolutely necessary to make the eggs remain unbreakable rocking with pebbles … we understand a little bit the meaning of the real philosophy of war!
A war is never clean, never equal, never fair, and even if you have to give up, you must win at all costs.
I stop this article at this point for those who will have the need to find out what is happening, what has changed, what will be done in the future … or depending on the outer information to be able to commit themselves on the question given by their consciousness about specific individuals and situations !
Trust the plan of the Greeks and noone elses!
God help me, get used to hearing it!