Dear Vaccinator I beg you very much to…
…respect me as I respected you in your fear and wore a mask despite the fact that it was and is unconstitutional!

..respect that I forced my children to go through the same torture in school even though it was unconstitutional and I was able to send my children to school not to be educated as slaves but to receive an education of a proper and free human being..and all because of your choice to fear and not investigate your own fear!!
…respect that I am not interfering with your opinion…except that I have tried to inform you of the dangers you run with information free for anyone who wants to look! I have tried to show you with clear laws that you are not forced to take any vaccine and that by doing so you risk much more than anything an “invisible” enemy is going to do to you!
I want you to respect that we live in the same society and that although it has been a psychological torture for me for a year now to see all my fellow human beings kneeling in fear and interest ..I did not react, I did not touch you, I did not lift a finger!
For over a year now, because of your fear that has come through media propaganda I have lost human rights and despite the fact that I will continue to lose more from those who insist on not wanting to be informed I remain patient with understanding … that not all people are capable of handling fear properly!
This and much more has happened in my life… always with respect for your right to fear!
Now you must respect my fear. If you’ve had the vaccine, please don’t come within 10 meters of me. If you’ve had the vaccine, go into a personal quarantine for at least 14 days… And don’t go to work, don’t go shopping, don’t drool on the street with shots … you’re not someone who doesn’t have the “invisible” enemy inside him with the political right, but you’re no longer someone who has a virus inside him that no one will talk about … SIGURA … which means … …that NOW YES you have an invisible enemy inside you…and for the first time we can agree!
I don’t care if they told you when you were vaccinated or if they deliberately want you to spread the new BOLI … you ought to be informed of what you did and its paraphernalia ! If you want to die within the next three years, I’ll respect your right to do so. You don’t want to listen. But you won’t come near me to tell me you have the BOLI inside you.
If you are my employer not come to work I will arrest you, if you are in a public service the same …generally do not approach me if you have a new enemy inside you ..a real enemy!
I’m writing this message so that we can all tell our friends, …I’m not interested in analyzing what and how, giving details of cases before and after the bowl, talking about deaths etc…I did that before …just if you did it. …DON’T MAKE ME FEAR, because now I’m starting to be afraid for the first time in almost a year and a half of pandemic deaths …and my fear is YOU!
Thank you for the respect you will show to my fears too!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart good luck and for the last time I tell you to be careful because now you are in danger 100 times over …! Take care of the simple fact … I hope the pandemic that is coming with what you have done will pass and end and you will still be with us!